Today, 2nd February 2024. Since the late 1990s when the MoD started selling off their UKWMO underground bunkers (for around £5,000 each), we have featured these when they come up for resale and helped the owners and buyers achieve a deal. Current resales at 2023/2024 prices have been around £20,000 per bunker.

So when guy asks us to get him £70,000 “as now, with Putin threatening nuclear war, it is a good time to cash in…” Our reply was the same as most of us gave the money-grabbing bog-roll bandits at the outbreak of Covid.

Cashing-in from worried folk is disgusting. Besides, we have been reassured at ambassador level, that there will be NO nuclear war. President Putin is aiming to talk-up nuclear threats, then become a modern day President Kennedy hero figure by claiming to prevent nuclear war. He will do this due to the stockpile of NON-nuclear EMP weapons he holds. They won’t kill anyone… just collapse the “decadent” internet in the west and silence the internet in Russia and the former USSR Republics. The world nearly went collectively nuts when everyone had to stay indoors during the pandemic. Bad enough not being able to go on holiday to Spain. Imagine switching off everyone’s mobile phone! That is what EMP will do.

At these times folk do get worried. We know, because our phone goes ballistic. A phenomenal number of calls + texts from folk looking to buy a nuclear bunker. Rather than answer “there are none for sale just now,” we have a solution. There are folk successfully building their own bunkers. If your thing, maybe get the kettle on, have a cup of tea and watch the wonderful eccentrics turning an ornamental garden~well into the entrance of an underground bunker 😉 Enjoy…

Today, 2nd February 2024 and we present something a little unusual, even by Unique Property Bulletin standards. Since the late 1990s when the MoD started selling off their UKWMO underground bunkers (for around £5,000 each), we have featured these when they come up for resale and helped the owners and buyers achieve a deal. Plus new inhabitants of an underground den! The current resale levels in 2023/2024 have been very roughly around the £20,000 per bunker. So when we had a phone call from a guy wanting to sell his for £70,000 to £75,000 “as now, with Putin threatening nuclear war, it is a good time to cash in…” Well our reply was to say: “thanks, but no thanks.” The internet algorithms throw up our Unique Property Bulletin site because we have helped sell so many of these things. Eleven over the past three decades. As for Mr £70,000… that price gauging was stomach churning. We get calls from folk who are very worried about escalation to nuclear war. So for Mr £70,000 to “cash in” on the back of misery and distress reminds us of those “Bog Roll Bandits” many of us saw at the begining of the Covid pandemic. Back then, anyone who used that much toilet roll should be seeing their doctor or proctocologist! Besides, we have been reassured at ambassador level, that there will be NO nuclear war. President Putin is aiming to talk-up nuclear threats, then become a modern day President Kennedy hero figure by claiming to prevent nuclear war. He will do this due to the stockpile of NON-nuclear EMP weapons he holds. They won’t kill anyone… just collapse the “decadent” internet in the west and silence the internet in Russia and the former USSR Republics. The world nearly went collectively nuts when everyone had to stay indoors during the pandemic. Bad enough not being able to go on holiday to Spain. Imagine switching off everyone’s mobile phone! That is what EMP will do. Here at Unique Property Bulletin we are none too keen discussing these subjects as folk are genuinely worried when nuclear war is brought up in conversation. But because we ended up helping sell so many underground bunkers over the years, the subject obviously arises. Especially during real-world international tension and conventional war. At these times we receive a phenomenal number of phone calls + texts from folk looking to buy a nuclear bunker. Rather than answer the fact there are none for sale, we have a solution and we know it is of interest because the “viewer” clock on Yotube is at 185,000. There are folk successfully building their own bunkers. So if this is your thing, maybe get the kettle on, have a cup of tea and watch the wonderful eccentrics turning an ornamental garden well into the entrance of an underground bunker 😉 Enjoy…